Toys from Trash
"The best thing a child can do with a toy is break it !"
"Gleam in the Eye"
"Amazing Astronomy"
"Pumps from the Dump"
"Math Magic"
- Diameter of Refill
- Square to Cylinder
- Finger Multiplication
- Broomstick Multiplication
- Paper Protractor
- Envelope Tetrahedron
- Circle to Rectangle
- Rectangle to Circle
- Add Angles
- Moebius Twist
- Folding Parabola
- Pythagoras Theorem
- Bit by Bit
- Prismatic Patterns
- Twenty Teaser
- Strip Tetra
- Expansion Of Warm Air
"Paper Fun"
"Tipping Toppling Toys"
"Motor and Generator"
"Electricity and Magnetism"
"Newton Unplugged"
"Fun with Pressure"
"Fun with Light"
"Toys from Trash"
"Simple Sounds"
"Strong Structures"
"Flying Toys"
"Force Fun"
"Spinning Toys"
- Acrobat
- Spinning Doll
- Merry-go-round
- Water Sprinkler
- Sudarshan Chakra
- Rotating Doll
- Spinning Rings
- Cup Centrifuge
- Two Way Fan
- Simple Spinner
- Get Going Glass
- Dancing Diamonds
- Cup Spinner
- Bottle Propeller
- Straw Swivel
- Bottle Turbine
- Cup Helicopter
- Pin Spin
- Brush In Rush
- Matchstick Turbine
- Aluminum Cup Spinner
- Vibrating Brush
- Magnetic Glass Spinner
- Multi Propellors
- Float And Spin
- Cap Top
- Spindle
- Windmill
- Pencil Spinner
- Straw Lift
- Spin of Earth
- Spiral Spinner
- Coin Centrifuge
- Balloon Spinner
- Marble Top
- Fan Driven Doll
- Plate Propellor
- Tube Propellor
- Paper Clip Spinner
- Syringe Air Fan
- Tornado Well
- Play Roundabout
- Aeolian Top
- Spin Ring
- Floppy Propeller
- Horizontal Windmill
- Two Way Turbine
- Turbine Spinner
- Transparency Bubble
- Super Spinning Bottle
- Bottle Fan
- Clay Ball
- Dancing Washers
- Three Blade Paper Fan
- Magic Paper Fan
- Simple Tornado
- Bottle Tornado
- Button Spinner
- Spiral Snake
- Magic Motion
- Blow - Top
- Spinning Snake
- Bottle Ballerina
- CD Top
- Bent Straw Spinner
- Paper Cup Propeller
- Bottle Base Spinner
- Mobile Dancers
- CD-Coin Spinner
- Simple Strobe
- Straw Petals Fan
- Low Friction Spinner
- Rotate Propellor Spin Doll
- Heart Fan
- Spinning Spiral
"Magic Miscellany"
"Beginner's Biology"
"Air and water"
"String Games"
"Toys Designed by K. V. Potdar"
- Paper Lampshade
- Moon Buggy
- Traffic Police
- Crafty Cart
- Dandy Dino
- Two Way Fan
- Tooth Brush Insect
- Barometer Bottle
- Body Builder
- Big Dinosaur
- Straw Fan
- Crown Flower
- Conifer Tree
- Chandelier
- Pen Stand
- Peacock
- Jumping Bug
- Beach Bench
- Pin-up Art
- Pod Deer
- Multi-Stories
- Shimmering Matchbox
- Switch Car
- Recycled Cycle
- Face Fraud
- Coffee Table
- Paper Inflorescence
- Gear Man
- Sponge Elephant
- Spin Ring
- Hair Clip Bug
- Electric Bug
- Foam Rat
- Balancing Boy
- Cranky Crank
- Preety Butterfly
- Bend Straw Man
- Levitating Man
- Man On Tricycle
- Crank Operated Bird
- Pull And Lift
- Gearing-Up
- Spinning Slinky
- Pleated Doll
- Car Jack
- Swinging Acrobat
- Spinning Acrobat
- Card Chair
- Flying Bat
- Mouse Bug
- Straw Pattern
- Coconut Tree
- Whirligig Beetle
- Bending Ballerina
- Blow Jack
- Cyclist
- Push-Ups
- Funny Footware
- Pretty Pot
- Dumper
- street Musician
- Ball Bug
- Cup Spinner
- Skeletal Butterfly
- Magnetic Bug
- Play Roundabout
- Ball Fan
- Walking Cylinder
- Tricycle
- Dream Bike
- Dear Deer
- Show Hammers
- Mobile Dancers
- Floating Fish
- Hair Clip Reindeer
- Floppy Art
- Wire Face
- Spoon Propeller
- Foam Creatures
- Lolly-pop Stick Propeller
- Flat Tree
- Chair To Table
- Pull And Open Flower
- Kinetic Horse
- Wire Lizard
- Tortoise From Trash
- Folding Shirt
- Paper Spiral Garland
- Paper Garland
- Bench And Bed
- Straw Man
- Creative Cart
- Beach Umbrella
- Planer Play
- Stick Man
- Fun Spiral
- Bead Beast
- Future Ferniture
- Vintage Telephone
- Wooden Lock And Chain
- Queen Of Sheba
- Glass Propellor
- Switch Bug
- Stick Stand
- Bitter Beetle
- Bottle Ballerina
- Going Gears
- Packing Puppies
- Mother And Child
- Flapping Wings
- Wire Weight Lifter
- Wheel Barrow
- Rocking Man
- Ring On Wing
- Wire Flower
- Baby Bucket
- Black Bird
- Wire Acrobat
- Paper Peacock
- Pretty Butterfly
- Bobbing Butterfly
- Baby Slippers
- 3-D Illusion
- Straw Shrub
- Link Mechanism
- Model Engine
- Wire Propellor
- Cranky Wood Cutter
- Chit-Chat Cup
- Dance Of Nine Cubes
- Strip Twist
- Dancing Doll On Cup
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